Hola Familia!!!
Como les fue en sus semanas?? Espero que INcreible :)
My week was great!! And I have a lot of news. First and foremost, we had a baptism this past Saturday!! Her name is Ermalinda!! She is the best (attached are pictures :) It was quite the experience the whole process with her. An experience that I will not forget. About 3 weeks ago, when we first arrived in Mala, her sister Sara told us that she had a sister who was handicapped that really wanted to be baptized but didnt think that it was possible because of her disability. However, we explained that it was possible and we began to teach her. She was able to understand everything that we taught clearly and she really and truly had a desire to follow Christ. We also were working with the missionary couple in our ward to be able to obtain a wheelchair for her so that she didnt have to crawl on the floor to get around. I am 100% sure that the Lord was involved in this process. The day of her baptism, her sister was able to go to Lima and get the wheelchair for her. SHe was speechless and suuuper grateful. SHe was able to be baptized, with the help of 3 Priesthood holders and received the gift of the Holy Ghost the following day in Sacrament Meeting. It was SUCH a special day and the spirit was super strong. I know that when we try to follow the example of Jesus Christ, whatever obstacle that we might be facing can easily be conquered because we are choosing the right path :)
I LOVE the mission. It is the most rewarding experience ever :)
On thursday, we also had the chance to be able to do service in a farm about 20 minutes away. It was fun. We picked beans and then ate soup from the beans that we picked :) IT was a good day and super peaceful to be in the farms of Peru :)
Also! On Saturday, after the baptism, we had cambios (transfers)!!! I really was not expecting any sort of transfer because just recently we were put into a companionship, BUT the Lord has His purposes and my companion Hna Mendoza had a transfer to Ayacucho!! But not only Ayacucho, to the same ward where I served!! I told her that she would have an amaaaazing time and touch a lot of people :) Also, I was informed that I will be training ANOTHER brand new Sister missionary. Haha, so currently, I am in Lima in a hotel, waiting until tomorrow to go and pick her up. It will be good. I was informed that she is from the US too so I get to practice my english! Hahaha I am excited. This will be a good transfer.
I hope your week is a good one! Dont forget to pray :)
Con mucho amor siempre
Hna Elisheva Ali