Hola !!!
Ok...so this week, not a whole lot happened. Haha basically a lot of teaching, a lot of contacting, a lot of teaching, and a lot of learning. Something that I have learned this week is dilligence! It is absolutely, 100% necessary that whatever we pass through, whatever circumstance, whatever trial, whatever weakness that we have, it is imperative that we push through. Good attitude, a smile, and faith can get us through anything! I have not only seen this in my life here on the mission, but also in the lives of our investigators, those who we teach.
This past Saturday, we had a beautiful night of baptisms! We had a ¨Noche Blanca¨. It was super special. There were seven baptisms of missionaries in our zone, so we all gathered together to have a super big baptismal service. It was SO special. The Spirit was SO strong! Something else that I learned this week, is that whenever we do something right, there is constantly opposition. Satan knows our weaknesses and he tries his best to defer us from doing/choosing the right. However, if we persevere and we are strong, and confident in our decision, his influence does not even make a difference.
I love this Gospel, I love the joy that it can bring to all the lives of those who accept it. This work is true. Heavenly Father loves us and he answers prayers. :)
I love you all and I hope that your week is wonderful!! :)
Con mucho amor siempre,
Hermana Elisheva Ali :)
I didn't know you had a blog going! Glad to see you are having so much fun! I'm just chillin in Italy, no big. Miss you!