Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Book of Mormon is AMAZING!! May 22, 2013

Hola Familia!!!

I feel like it has been a while!!! How are you?? Thank you SO much for your emails and support. It is the best to open my email every week and see emails from all the people I love. :) 

This week was AWESOME!! First things first, I did not receive a transfer! I am happy. My companion and I are staying in the same area in Ayacucho! :D We did get a calling that is new though. We are now leading trainers in the mission! Haha we dont know what it means...but I will inform you when I do.

 We had a baptism this past Saturday! It was of a little 8 year old girl who is super adorable. It was a beautiful baptism. The spirit was way strong. ALSO last monday we went to Quinua again! So there are some pictures attached of that as well. 

This week my testimony of the Book of Mormon was definitely strengthened. It has SUCH a huge power because it is true and literally was written by Prophets who talked directly with our Father in Heaven. We have an investigator whose name is Marlon. He is 22 years old and he has such a hunger to hear the truth, to really know the will of God. He wants to know what he needs to do in order to complete all that Heavenly Father would have him do. We have been teaching him a lot and of course, we invited him to read the Book of Mormon and pray to know if it was true. He said that he readthe chapter that we left him (Alma 34) six times because he loved it so much and wanted to soak in every meaning that it had. Afterwards, he prayed to know if it was true. I cant describe exactly what he felt, but he shared with us that as  he prayed, he felt the strongest tranquility that he has ever felt in his life and his mind was completely clear. When he opened his eyes, the first thing that he saw was the book of mormon and felt an undescribable feeling that just completely overpowered him in his heart. He almost started crying as he told us how he had felt. The spirit was SO strong! It was beautiful. Definitely an experience that I am not going to forget.

I love when investigators have experiences like this and share them with us. It really builds my testimony to know that those who really have a strong desire to know, and ask in faith, will receive an answer that everything that we teach is true. Heavenly Father knows us individually and knows exactly how we recognize answers. He manifests the truth to us through the Holy Ghost in ways that we can recognize. I love it! I want to invite you all to find a Book of Mormon, read it, ponder about it, and pray to know if it is true. I know that if you ask in faith, God will give you an answer. :)

I love you all! I hope your week is amazing!

Con mucho amor siempre!!!
Hermana Elisheva Ali

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